Train like an astronaut by Daniel
Date: 16th Jan 2015 @ 5:03pm
On the 14th of January we went to MMU (Manchester Metropolitan University). First we had a tour around the campus and university (we got off the bus before). We saw the many buildings of where they lived. Also where they studied relaxed and worked.
After the tour we had a class called fun with robots, self-explanatory. When we came in, there was a robotic dog worth over £5,000. It had sensors on the top of its head so it would react when being touched. Also it had a microphone so you could talk to it and it responded.
After that it we had the fitness test. There was 10 meter sprint. The best score in our class was 0.84 set by Hassan. The other exercises included: hand strength, jump height and lung capacity. After that we did teambuilding. Firstly we stood in a circle leant on each other, the objective was not to fall over. For the first try half of us fell over but for the second we managed to stand up. Next we went on the skies, there were 6 on each. The score was 1:1 for our first two groups and 1:1 for our other. Finally we went on the Nuclear Course (they weren’t really nuclear). This involved carrying wooden planks along the line so we could walk across.
Eventually we went back to the bus and went home. We had a great time and got free rulers made by a laser cutter which the university owned.