Statutory Information, Facts and Figures
Local Authority maintained schools are required, by law, to publish certain information online...
Most of this information is already included within our website, but we have created this page to bring everything together and to provide a home for those bits that do not quite "fit" anywhere else.
Firstly, some basic facts and figures to help set the scene:
- Rode Heath is a slightly smaller than average primary school;
- Most pupils are from White British backgrounds and speak English as their first language; the proportion of pupils from minority groups is much lower than average;
- The percentage of pupils with special needs is below average;
- The percentage of pupils known to be eligible for pupil premium funding is below average;
- Pupils start school with levels of skills and understanding broadly in line with those expected for children of their age;
- Standards reached by pupils in English and mathematics by the end of Year 6 are above national averages, often significantly so;
The proportion of children who join the school at times other than the start of the Reception year is above average.
The statutory information comprises:
- Contact details - you can see these up on the right and by visiting our Reception and Office page;
- Admission arrangements - these have their own page;
- Latest Ofsted reports - can be found in the Our School section here and via our Useful Weblinks;
- Key Stage 2 results - can be downloaded below via the Statutory Assessment Data link below;
- School Performance Data - can be accessed via the link on our Useful Weblinks page
- School curriculum - has its very own section on the menu above;
- Behaviour Policy - you can find this alongside our other Policies and Procedures;
- Pupil Premium Funding* - details can be downloaded below;
- PE and Sport Premium Funding** - this can be downloaded below;
- Our Special Educational Needs policy and support provision are detailed here;
- Charges and Remissions policy - this can be found within our Polices and Procedures
- Aims, ethos and values - these have their very own page here.
Rode Heath Primary School has no-one employed who earns over £100,000
* Pupil Premium Funding is the additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.
** PE and Sport Premium Funding is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activitites offered to pupils.
*** Data Link